Community Engagement and Awareness-raising Events

Raising awareness about dementia is an integral part of the ENGAGE project. Together with the community advisory team (Dementia Ambassadors) we have held awareness-raising events in several locations in Kenya.

August 2024

Event Location: Mwiteria Methodist Church , Meru county

We were invited to talk about dementia and create awareness to church members  at the Methodist church in Mwiteria, Meru county. We also performed a short drama to dispel myths about dementia and those who live with dementia. We reached about 250 people.

Giving  a talk to promote dementia awareness

Creating dementia awareness through theatre

Debrief session

Event Location: Laikipia County, Kenya

We trained 34 community leaders to understand dementia. The leaders represented  teachers, religious leaders,  the business community, farmers, accountants, health workers and veterans of the armed forces.

July  2024

Event Location: St Peter's Catholic  Church, Antubeiga village,Miathene location, Tigania West Sub-county, Meru County, Kenya.

We were invited to speak in Tigana West Sub-County in Meru County. We held an awareness-raising event and had a chance to interact with community members who asked   questions about dementia including risk factors and how one can avoid getting dementia.We were able to  reach about 200 people.

  Part of the Community Advisory Team ( Dementia Ambassadors)

Pre-event Briefing

   Giving a talk on Dementia during the Kimeru Mass  at the church

  Dementia Ambassadors at the Church 

Performing  a short drama to highlight dementia

Interacting with Community Members after the Awareness-raising Event


Interacting with Community Members after the Awareness-raising Event


Interacting with Community Members after the Awareness-raising Event       

Debrief Session

July  2024

Event Location: Nkubu, South Imenti, Meru Kenya

We were  invited by  alumni  of Nkubu Boys High School  (1966-1969)  in Meru county, to speak to them about dementia.  The group comprises of retired teachers, accountants, meteorologists, cartographers, broadcasters, agriculturalists, accountants, land economists, veterinarians and engineers.

June  2024 

Event Location: MCK All Saints Kinoru Church, Imenti North Sub-County, Meru Kenya

On June 23  2024 we held awareness-raising events at local churches in Meru Kenya in which we were able to  reach about 600 people.
The event involved giving a talk about dementia as well as performing  a short drama to highlight dementia and  to improve the public's perception about dementia.

 Giving a talk on Dementia during the English Church Service

    Giving a talk on Dementia during the Kimeru Church Service

    Performing  a short drama to highlight dementia