Meet our Project Partners

ENGAGE partners in Kenya

We recruited 10 community members in Meru county  to act in an advisory capacity and also take part in awareness-raising activities. We trained them to understand dementia and they are currently developing awareness-raising messages for tee-shirts and other promotional materials. It was important to involve them in this process to ensure that messages were locally suited and potentially impactful.

ENGAGE partners in the UK

This project entails collaborating with dementia associates (people living with dementia/ caring for someone living with dementia)  from the University of Salford in Manchester, UK. The associates have been involved in providing their voice and recommendations about the awareness-raising messages developed by our Kenyan partners to give further insight into the important messaging around dementia outreach.

December 2023

Training Community Representatives in Kenya to Understand  Dementia

We held a training session on 'Understanding Dementia' with 10 community members from Meru county in Kenya. 

The aim of this training was;

  • To provide a general description of Dementia and Alzheimer’s disease 
  • To explain the current and projected scope of the Alzheimer’s disease epidemic  globally and in developing countries including East Africa
  • To describe the care burden of Alzheimer’s disease, including caregivers and the health care system 
  • To co-develop locally suited messages for awareness raising programmes

The session also involved developing role plays to highlight the following:
  • How dementia affects the person with dementia and their families in rural Kenya
  • Challenging stigma and building awareness about dementia 
  • How  people with dementia and their caregivers can be supported to stay connected with their communities 

A preview of the role plays

The final part of the training involved developing  culturally sensitive and appropriate  messages/graphics/logos that can be printed on T-shirts to be worn by community representatives during awareness- raising events.


Developing  T-Shirt prototypes

Presenting the Prototypes

January 2024

Eliciting feedback on the prototypes from people living with dementia /family carers

We presented the prototypes to a panel of Dementia Associates at the Salford Institute for Dementia and Ageing, Manchester, UK. The Associates provided feedback on the messages, graphics, logos, colours and designs of the prototypes. We also conducted a prioritisation exercise in which panel members chose the prototype with the message(s) they believed would be potentially effective in raising public awareness and changing negative attitudes about people living with dementia.

Community representatives in Kenya reviewed  feedback from Dementia Associates

Watching a video recorded during the feedback session with Dementia Associates 

Incorporating  feedback into the prototypes